Bulgarian Academy of ScienceThe Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS) is a national autonomous organisation for scientific research, whichcovers the academic institutes, laboratories and otherindependent structure units.
Thracian Expedition for Tumular InvestigationsTEMP was created in 1966 as a part of the team investigating the territory of Northeastern Bulgaria. The excavations of the TEMP discovered some of the most incredible treasures of the Thracians.
Stone PagesStone Pages is an archaeological site with plenty of photos,news and categorized archaeological links.
MegalithicsMegalithics hosts an archive of over 5000 photos of megalithicmonuments on the territory of UK, Ireland and continental Europe.
HumbulArchaeological category in the Humbul Humanitarian Hub.
Stone's Archaeology PagesArchaeological Pages Stone
PhrygiansThis site contains photos and texts,regarding the ancient kingdom of Phrygia.
Kerkenes projectThis website is dedicated to the excavations of the Kerkenes cityin Turkey, which is often connected to the Herodotus' Pteria.
International Institute of AnthropologyWeb site of the International Institute of Anthropology in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.